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Total Visit to Nairobi Children's Village Buruburu

Total Visit to Nairobi Children’s Village Buruburu

Total Kenya are our corporate partners who support the children of John Garang Humanitarian Group Foundation under the house sponsorship partnership. During their annual visit to the Children’s village in Nairobi in July they presented a cheque donation and later engaged in a tree planting activity. John Garang Humanitarian Group Foundation Kenya is proud to be associated with Total Kenya Eco challenge a project based on awareness of the disastrous consequences Kenya faces if deforestation continues. Through the project whose target is to plant 100 million trees a year,Total has planted trees within our Children’s village in Nairobi in a bid to create awareness and meet current and projected tree demand in the country. John Garang Humanitarian Group Foundation appreciates thank the continuous partnership and support towards the work we do at our Children’s Villages Kenya. Indeed, this enables us to provide a loving home for the children under our care.

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