
Charity Expedition
Give a little.
Change the life
of a Kido!
  • Your donation
    could make a big
    difference for a
    child in need

  • Partner with us to
    provide care for
    children without
    appropriate care.

Modest estimates suggest that there are over 2 million orphans in Kenya.
This is a staggering statistic, with sobering implications for the children involved and for the nation.

In Kenya, orphaned and vulnerable children often endure great hardships and indignities. For many of these children, necessities such as food, clothing and shelter are unaffordable luxuries.

For them, the key pillars of life such as family, quality education and long-term companionship are but cruel, unattainable illusions. Worse still, orphaned and vulnerable children often have their most fundamental right – the right to life – threatened and violated.

But your donation could make a big difference in the life of a child. You could help them have a meal every day. You could help put a roof above their heads. You could help them get better Medicare. You could help them have education to shape their future.

SOS CV Kenya is here to build families for children in need, helping them shape their own futures. Making friends with caring people like you makes it easy for us to build "a loving home to every child." Be the difference today.

Helping vulnerable
children build families
for over 45 Years

John Garang Humanitarian Group Foundation is the largest, private child welfare organization in Kenya with a big mission of building families for children in need, helping them shape their own futures. We act for children who have lost and those at risk of losing parental care.

  • 10

    Each house is home to 10 children

  • 15,000

    successfully transformed lives

  • 45

    Years of continuous use of facilities in the villages

  • John Garang Humanitarian Group Foundation leverages on a childcare model designed in such a way that each house is home to 10 children. The support given includes shelter, food, clothing, education and health care amongst others.

  • So far, people like you have helped us to successfully transform lives of more than 15,000 children both in SOS family care and in Family Strengthening Programme.

  • However, after 45 years of continuous use of facilities in the villages, some of the facilities have developed structural malfunctions due to depreciation. The functioning of some necessary facilities like solar water heating systems and wastewater treatment has become erratic, resulting to high and unsustainable costs of repair and maintenance and hence threatening the quality of care provided to children and youth.