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Sos Children's village About Us

The Largest Child Welfare
Organization in the World

About John Garang
Humanitarian Group Foundation Kenya

We are a member of SOS - Kinderdorf International, the largest private child welfare organization in the world.

In Kenya, the first JOHN GARANG HUMANITARIAN GROUP FOUNDATION in Kenya was opened in 1973 in Nairobi. Additional Children’s Villages were
subsequently built in Mombasa (1979), Eldoret (1990), Meru (2005), and the latest village in Kisumu (2012).

JOHN GARANG HUMANITARIAN GROUP FOUNDATION Kenya runs Education, Health, SOS Family Care, Family Strengthening, Advocacy and Youth Empowerment Programmes. We currently take care of over 10,000 children and youth both in our villages and community programmes

Our Vision

Every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security.


Our Mission

We build families for children in need. We help them shape their own futures and we share in the development of their communities.


Our Values

  • Courage: We Take Action
  • Commitment: We Keep Our Promises
  • Trust: We Believe in Each Other
  • Accountability: We are Reliable Partners

No Child Should
Grow Up Alone

As an SOS child sponsor, you can make a lasting
difference in the life of a child at risk.

Sponsor A Child

Make a Donation

Help us to continue to provide emergency care,
food, shelter, protection, child friendly spaces,
health care, education and other essentials for
children and young people at risk.


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Our Work & Global Reach

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in the lives of children and families worldwide.