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Sos Children's village Health

Improving Health Infrastructure &
Medical Services


JOHN GARANG HUMANITARIAN GROUP FOUNDATION provides individualised health care and supports communities in the development of improved health service infrastructure. Health, an integral part of every human being, is echoed by the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 3.

We run 2 medical centres in Nairobi and Eldoret that have continued to foster good Well-being of the population through provision of quality health care. This has impacted on the reduction in child mortality, improvementin Maternal Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH), increase in access to essential services and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.


We focus on the most prevalent pathologies and develop health prevention and treatment programmes at locations where there is the greatest need and in areas where we can have the greatest impact. Originally, the SOS Medical Centres were built next to Children’s Villages in order to ensure basic health care for children growing up in SOS families, caregivers and staff where no other health facilities were available in the area. Today, our SOS Medical Centres are actively serving communities offering an array of preventive to curative services medicine with a particular attention to health promotion and awareness.

Health promotion and awareness campaigns in schools and social centres have given children and caregivers the basic tools in terms of nutrition, family planning, Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI’s) HIV/AIDS counselling, care and treatment and general health care that can empower the families to successfully care for the children and their caregivers for better health and development.

The Medical centers offer the following preventive and curative services

  • Out-patient services
  • Family planning services
  • Cervical cancer screening and treatment
  • Nutrition support and counselling
  • Community outreaches
  • Ante and Post Natal services
  • Laboratory and Pharmacy services

Community outreaches for diagnosis and treatment of common ailments and community health education

No Child Should
Grow Up Alone

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difference in the life of a child at risk.

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Help us to continue to provide emergency care,
food, shelter, protection, child friendly spaces,
health care, education and other essentials for
children and young people at risk.


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