The Next Economy (TNE) is a 3 year programme implemented by John Garang Humanitarian Group Foundation Kenya in 2 locations namely Nairobi and Kisumu. It compliments John Garang Humanitarian Group Foundation Kenya’s Youth empowerment programme. The programme is anchored on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 that seeks to contribute to creation and growth of decent work and economic development through encouragement of entrepreneurship and enhancement of employability skills in a bid to reduce poverty and achieve full productive employment and work opportunities for all by 2030.
Now in its third year, the programme aspires to break the poverty cycle by empowering youth to unfold their talents to create their own future jobs or to provide them with the right skills to become more employable and match them with existing opportunities in the job market. TNE targets youth aged 18-35 years and are committed to start their own businesses or are ready for their talents to be unfolded to enable them successfully enter the job market. By the end of the 3 year programme period, the initiative aims to benefit 600 youth (400 in Nairobi and 200 in Kisumu).
TNE’s implementing partners are SOS Netherlands, Aflatoun International and 1% Club (based in Netherlands); and Nailab, Lakehuband SOS CV Kenya. 1%Club specializes in realizing smart start up ideas of young entrepreneurs through crowdfunding and crowd sourcing while Nailab and Lakehub have a wealth of experience in business incubation, entrepreneurship, development and training. SOS CV Kenya is responsible for implementing the employability track. The programme embraces diverse partnerships with corporates, institutions and government ministries for capacity development and placement of young people for internship and employability.
TNE employs an innovative approach to inspire, school, coach and facilitate youth to start their own businesses and work in partnership with the private sector to prepare them for decent jobs. Programme goals include to build foundational, transferable life and employability skills for young people; encourage independent entrepreneurship; create fair and decent jobs; connect youth to business networks; active participation of young women in program development and management and allow existing businesses to grow.
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